Complex Heavy Civil Infrastructure

Industrial Facilities

Collaborating with industrial owners to deliver foundational support for power and chemical plants, ensuring durability and efficiency.

Industrial Facilities

Brayman’s scope of work included installation of soldier beams, and tiebacks anchors while working closely with other contractors on precast panel installation and backfilling activities.
Brayman’s scope of work required installation of a secant pile excavation support system comprised of 152-each, 48-inch diameter interconnecting secant piles (12,309-LF) with depths up to 91-feet, as well as installation of 150-each, 18-inch diameter augercast piles for structure foundation support.
Brayman was contracted by Songer Steel Services, Inc. to complete the concrete foundations for a new gas processing De-Ethanizer facility being constructed by a midstream operator located in Butler County, PA.
Brayman’s work consisted of the installation of four drilled sump foundations and as well as 250 concrete spread footers, pedestal supports, wall piers, building foundations, and containment slabs to support the various equipment for the gas processing facility.

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